Tuesday, April 26, 2011

BIPA/Raging Bitch side by side

Tonight I did the side by side comparison of my BIPA (Belgian IPA) clone attempt at Flying Dog's Raging Bitch and the actual original. I am the first to admit I am not a good taster... I like everything... I try, but I cannot pick up the subtle stuff. I usually defer to others, like the proprietor of my LHBS (Local Home Brew Store) Rich Loomis of Brew Wine Hobby located in East Hartford, CT... But I am trying to taste compare here, cleansing my palate with beer bread (probs terrible choice) and through dinner (chicken salad sandwiches tonight...) Again, I have no idea what I am doing here, but I'll try...

My BIPA from the tap on left, Flying Dog's Raging Bitch on right.

Appearance: Color match is spot on. Clarity goes to Flying Dog... more patience on my part might help here but this point carries the least weight for me...

Nose: My BIPA has this one, hands down... Fresh hop aroma from dry hop, a little funky belgian yeastiness. Flying Dog smells stale... bland... Here is where I start wondering how long the Flying Dog was sitting on the shelf...

First Taste: BIPA has more bitterness, fresher hop and yeast flavor, also drier? maybe... Flying Dog is a little maltier and blander? Side by side does not seem representative of the Raging Bitch I tried that inspired me to want to clone it. Tastes malty... has almost the "iced tea" flavor (best way to describe?) that reminds me of oktoberfests... idk, probs has something to do with food pairings? But I feel like, if I am eating the same thing before drinking both side by side, then it should be even? 

Overall Winner? My BIPA, duh! Loving this beer. Only changes I am thinking of is maybe, (maybe) cranking up fermentation temps to bring out more yeast flavor, and maybe upping the hops to balance that. Would make total extreme beer though... 

Also... side note... Holy "CR" at double fisting 2 full pints of 9% beer through dinner... Whoooo! Total danger game... ;)

1 comment:

  1. Love Raging Bitch! I find that out of the bottle it is muted compared to draught! Could be a matter of freshness as you are concerned with as well. The draught is much like your description of your beer.
